Portrait : Lucile Roux, Project Manager Synoptic ERP

Portrait : Lucile Roux, Project Manager Synoptic ERP

Discover the portrait of Lucile Roux, Synoptic ERP Project Manager!

Portrait Lucile Roux

Who are you ?
My name is Lucile, almost 26 years old, ERP Project Manager.

What is your background before joining Proges Plus ?
I obtained my engineering degree at the end of 2017 and then joined the IBM Service Center in Lille. I was then in charge of software testing. However, I aspired to a position that would allow me to have more varied assignments. When an opportunity arose at Proges Plus I immediately sent my CV ! I was very well received when I arrived on July 2, 2018!

What is your role within Proges Plus ?
I am Project Manager for our ERP Synoptic. My role is to target the needs of my customers to bridge the gap between the business demand and the technical aspect. I am here to ensure that our customers’ transition to our ERP is carried out under the best possible conditions.

Why did you choose to join the Synoptic ERP team ?
I was looking for a more diversified job, I didn’t want to lock myself into a job that was too repetitive. I have a sense of responsibility through my experience as a Scout leader and I wanted this to continue in my professional life. This is the advantage of a company like Proges Plus which, because it is a SME, gives us a wide scope of action and autonomy in our daily work.

What’s a typical day for you ?
The only thing constant is opening my mailbox in the morning. Then the day is punctuated by the various tasks of managing ongoing projects : requests to transmit to developers, user calls, updates on current projects, etc. Every day is different ! I also travel regularly for work meetings or user training.

What do you like most about your daily work ?
I find it intellectually stimulating. I am constantly called upon to provide solutions adapted to our clients’ problems.

What kind of feedback do you usually get ?
Leading an ERP project, for each of our clients, is an important step in the life of their structure. I make sure that I am available and ready to listen so that the ERP project runs as smoothly as possible. I think this is the aspect that clients appreciate the most. I also get very good feedback when I manage to save time, thanks to the implementation of functional improvements, for Synoptic users !

In your experience, what distinguishes this service from the others ?
Our clients have a contact person entirely dedicated to their project, who is fully immersed in its business issues. Our goal is to set up an ERP that can be used at 100% of its capacity and that really adapts to the client’s needs.

An ongoing project ?
My wedding ! What do you mean “professional” ? More seriously, I was recently entrusted with an R&D project. We’re still at an experimental stage but it’s already proving to be very promising !

In conclusion, how would you describe yourself in one word ?
Engaged. Once a responsibility is assigned to me, there’s no giving up !

You can contact Lucile and our Synoptic ERP team via the contact form or by phone at +33 3 20 64 63 63.